
14 марта 2022


Convert text into natural-sounding speech using an API powered by Google’s AI technologies.


{  "audioConfig": {    "audioEncoding": "LINEAR16",    "pitch": 0,    "speakingRate": 1.9  },  "input": {    "ssml": "<speak> <emphasis level=\"strong\">To be</emphasis> <break time=\"200ms\"/> or not to be, <break time=\"400ms\"/> <emphasis level=\"moderate\">that</emphasis> is the question.<break time=\"400ms\"/> Whether ‘tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune,<break time=\"200ms\"/> Or to take arms against a sea of troubles And by opposing end them. </speak>"  },  "voice": {    "languageCode": "ru-RU",    "name": "ru-RU-Wavenet-C"  } }